Thursday, April 18, 2002
From the inside out
Whatever you are filled with on the inside will surely come to exist on the outside. The reality of your life is built upon the quality of your innermost thoughts and feelings in each moment.
The thoughts that make the most difference are not the occasional grand thoughts. Rather, they are those persistent thoughts you have over and over again until they truly become a part of your reality.
No matter what your age, financial resources, ethnic background, level of physical health, or past history may be, you can always think the thoughts you choose to think. So what do you choose to think as each moment goes by?
Let yourself be filled on the inside with good and positive and valuable thoughts. What is consistently on the inside cannot help but come out. Thinking alone does not make it so. Yet what you think will reliably direct precisely which way you go.
Seek real, lasting, genuine value on the inside, then let that value work its way out to encompass all that is around you.
Ralph Marston

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