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I would rather feel compassion than know the meaning of it.
-- Thomas Aquinas


Tuesday, April 16, 2002


Though in some ways it might be nice to know with absolute certainty what will happen tomorrow, in many ways it is good not to know. For uncertainty compels us to develop courage, creativity, flexibility, commitment and initiative.

If we knew in advance exactly how our lives would unfold, it would surely drain all the joy from the experience. The strengths and qualities we develop, and the experiences we gain as a result of uncertainty bring a richness to life that cannot be equaled.

Though there are many uncertainties in life, there are also things of which you can be certain, things such as your family, your faith, your truest friends, your highest values. And those certainties indeed become strengthened to the degree that everything else is so uncertain.

Though it can be frightening, uncomfortable, and even painful, the uncertainty in this world and in this life is also a blessing. It makes anything possible, and it gives even more meaning to those things of which you can be certain, those things which matter most.

— Ralph Marston

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