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Loyalty to a petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul.
-- Mark Twain


Monday, April 1, 2002

One step after another

Right now you can take one step, one clear and unambiguous step, toward whatever it is that you most desire. Situations and circumstances may seem to work against you, yet nothing can stop you from taking at least one positive step forward.

When tomorrow dawns, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you’re already well underway. Then take another step, and suddenly you’ve created a powerful momentum.

You can get anywhere you wish to go by moving toward it every opportunity you get. One step after another will surely get you there. Yes, it would be nice to make big leaps, and perhaps you’ll have the opportunity to do so along the way. In the meantime, though, keep taking one step after another.

Even on days when the going gets rough, there’s a way to move forward at least one step. Keep in mind that you’ve taken those steps before and you can surely do it again.

Put time on your side, and put momentum on your side. Take one step forward every chance you get, and you’ll end up getting wherever you want to go.

— Ralph Marston

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