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Nature is just enough; but men and women must comprehend and accept her suggestions.
-- Antoinette Brown Blackwell


Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Long way to go

When the journey is long, and the goal is distant, keep this in mind. Though you have a long way to go, what really matters is that you’re on your way. Each day you move closer. Not only do you move closer, each step on the journey makes the destination that much more worth reaching.

Sure, it would be nice to be there today. It would be nice, but not nearly as meaningful. The process of reaching your goal is what gives that goal meaning to you. As the journey unfolds you become more and more able to value and appreciate the destination.

There is never any reason to become discouraged by how far you have to go. Instead, when you consider the road ahead, be thankful and enthusiastic about the opportunity you have to travel it, and find joy in each step.

Though you’re not all the way there, moving forward each day you become, more and more, the person who is able to get there.

— Ralph Marston

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