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The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems.
-- Mohandas K. Gandhi


Monday, March 4, 2002

Finding the way

Things which now come easily and naturally to you, at one time seemed difficult and even impossible. You found a way around those obstacles which once were so daunting. You found a way because you had enough desire to find it. You found a way because you had the commitment to find it and to make it work.

When you need to, or want to, or must, you can find a way to move past whatever is blocking your path, toward whatever you desire. The difficulty of the challenge is not nearly as important as the strength of your commitment.

What do you sincerely intend to do, and what do you truly expect to do? These are the things that will get done, because you will find a way. The efforts probably won’t be comfortable, convenient or easy, but then nothing of value ever is. That’s why commitment is so crucial, because it will get you through what you must get through.

You’re going to get knocked down. With enough commitment you’ll get back up. You’re going to become sidetracked and blown off course. With enough commitment you’ll quickly get back on track.

Your previous priorities and commitments have brought you to where you are right now. Commit to the best, the brightest, the most positive future you can sincerely imagine. Make the commitment, and you’ll find the way.

— Ralph Marston

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