Wednesday, February 27, 2002
Step by step
Take one step, then another and another. Soon you’ve walked a mile, and before long you’ll walk five miles. Take one positive, productive action, then another and another. Soon you have some real accomplishments to show for those actions.
Keep going, and those accomplishments will grow and compound. The little efforts, repeated over and over again, are vitally important because they are what bring the big results. The small steps are the way you create the big achievements. They may seem like nothing, yet they are essential to true and lasting success.
No matter how ambitious the goal may be, anyone can take a small step toward it. You can do it right now. You can take that first small step, and then another and another. That’s the way magnificent accomplishments get done. That’s the way true and lasting value is built. One step at a time.
It’s easy to take a small step. The real question is -- are you willing to take enough of them? When you are, anything is within your reach.
Ralph Marston

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