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Whenever two good people argue over principles, they are both right.
-- Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


Wednesday, February 20, 2002

Your decision

There are negative influences all around, but you don’t have to allow them to control you. There are disappointments which regularly come along, but you don’t have to allow them to discourage you. There are lots of temptations, but you don’t have to let them distract you. There are plenty of excuses, but you don’t need to let them stop you.

You can decide to be discouraged by the setbacks, or you can decide to be motivated even more. It’s your decision. You can decide to give up when the obstacles seem overwhelming. Or you can decide to persist and grow stronger.

You can decide to let anger, envy, frustration and bitterness drain your energy. Or you can decide to move beyond them into a more productive state. You can decide to let your fears stop you cold. Or you can decide to let those fears and concerns prepare you to move forward.

You can decide to bury your dreams down deep inside where they’ll never see the light of day. Or you can decide to follow those dreams by doing whatever it takes.

You can wish and talk about what you want from life. Yet what you actually end up with depends on the decisions you make as you live each moment.

— Ralph Marston

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