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It appears that the meaning that most effectively sustains life is to be found in the adoption of responsibility.
-- Jordan B. Peterson


Wednesday, February 6, 2002

Know why

One of the best techniques for achievement is not a technique at all. It is simply knowing and understanding why. Many people will offer you their advice on what to do and how to do it. Yet what will truly drive you, and enable you to successfully reach your chosen destination, is knowing why.

Rather than struggling through the what and how, seek to understand the real reason why, and the struggle is transformed into a mission. Your choices are made for a reason. Keep that reason in mind when living out those choices. Find the reason why, keep it in front of you, and you’ll have the energy necessary to reach for whatever you have chosen to accomplish.

There is enormous power in following a purpose which is truly yours. When there’s something that makes the obstacles seem insignificant, you’ll surely find your way around them. Know why, remember why, and find joy in fulfilling your most sincere purpose.

— Ralph Marston

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