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If you are going through hell, keep going.
-- Winston Churchill


Thursday, January 24, 2002


Just imagine how positive it would make your day if you offered a gift to everyone with whom you came in contact. It wouldn’t have to be a material gift, but it could be. It could be the gift of your undivided attention, or a kind word, a smile, or perhaps a helping hand. It would be given freely and willingly, with genuine love and consideration, and with the expectation of nothing in return.

The more you give of yourself, the more you’ll understand and appreciate how very much you have to give. Though most who receive your gifts will appreciate their sincerity, there will be those who won’t. But that doesn’t matter at all. What truly brings value to your life is the giving itself, undertaken with a sense of love and caring.

Give, and your world improves dramatically with each gift. Continue to give, and the positive energy builds upon itself. Think about it, and you’ll see that you have plenty to give. If life seems dreary and pointless, try giving of yourself, and you’ll quickly experience how truly beautiful and meaningful life can be.

— Ralph Marston

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