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I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts.
-- John Locke


Friday, January 4, 2002

The strength in patience

Consider how many difficult things would be made less difficult with a little patience. Certainly it is important to have a sense of urgency, yet it is just as important to balance that with an abiding patience.

Real, lasting success and achievement come when you can act with urgency and then be patient about getting results. Ambitious achievements require time. When you have the patience to continue making the effort, then you’ll reach the goal.

Patience will help you to see the big picture and to understand the long term view. Patience can dramatically improve your relationships with others, and reduce the level of stress in your life.

Patience is a genuine expression of confidence, of acceptance, serenity and faith in your own ability. It is a sign of strength.

Good things will come of your time when you spend that time moving positively forward. Patience with yourself, with your work, and with others is a sure sign that you know you’re on the right track. Be patient, be strong, be positive and enjoy every moment of life as it unfolds.

— Ralph Marston

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