Saturday, December 15, 2001
Mental un-block
Are you having trouble getting something done? Does it seem that there’s some kind of mental block which prevents you from taking the effective actions you know you wish to take?
If you feel like you’re operating under a mental block, that’s great! Because it’s something you can change very quickly. If your mind has the power to hold you back then it also has the power to move you forward.
Think of whatever it is that you haven’t been able to bring yourself to do. Think of it and see yourself doing it. Experience yourself doing it, easily, naturally and effectively. In your mind, go there. How do you see yourself sitting, or standing, or walking while doing it? What is the expression on your face? How does it feel? What does it sound like? What people are around you? How great does it feel to be getting it done?
Rather than letting your mind stop you, let your mind take you there. Visualize yourself accomplishing the task with confidence, with creativity and with ease. Experience yourself getting it done. Experience it with clarity and richness, with feeling and awareness.
And suddenly, the mental block is gone. Suddenly, you’re on your way, filled with ideas, inspiration and energy. Go there first in your mind, and the reality of your life will surely follow.
Ralph Marston

Copyright ©2001 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.