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The price of inaction is far greater than then cost of a mistake.
-- Meg Whitman


Thursday, December 6, 2001

Enjoy being you

Rather than chasing after what you don’t have, use your energy to more fully express what you do have. Instead of striving to be someone you are not, instead of conforming yourself to the world’s idea of success, create and live your own definition of success. Be who you are. That’s where your most valuable treasure is.

Set free that beautiful, worthy person inside of you. Free yourself from worrying about what others might think, or say, or do. Instead, focus on being the best, most authentic manifestation of you that you can possibly be.

You are complete and whole right now. There is no need to prove anything to anyone. There is no need to wait for happiness or fulfillment. They are yours when you decide to live them. This is your moment in which to live with all the richness you can imagine.

Enjoy being you, right now. There is so much you have to contribute, just by living the one-of-a-kind life that is your destiny. It’s more than OK to be you. It’s the very best and most genuinely fulfilling thing you can do. Enjoy giving your own special gifts to life, and lift yourself up along with the world around you.

— Ralph Marston

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