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He who has a strong enough why can bear almost any how.
-- Fredrich Nietzsche


Monday, November 26, 2001

What, why and how

Too many dreams are stopped cold by “how.” You have a dream, an inspiration, and it feels great to imagine the achievement of it. But then “how” rears its ugly head. “How could I ever do that?” you wonder and, unable to come up with a realistic or practical answer, you abandon the dream entirely.

What a waste! A perfectly wonderful dream goes forever unfulfilled because you get tripped up by how.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Because when the “whats” and the “whys” of your dreams are strong, solid and specific enough, the “hows” will come, easily and naturally. Rather than being too concerned with the “how,” focus on specifically what it is you wish to achieve, and on why you really, truly wish to achieve it.

When you are focused clearly enough on a specific objective, and when you know, in the most genuine and honest way, why you wish to achieve it, you will surely and reliably be able to come up with a workable and effective “how.” You will find a way. Success begins with passion and when sufficient passion is there, the means to reach it will arrive just as surely as the dawning of each new day. Know what, know why, and you’ll surely figure out how.

— Ralph Marston

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