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What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.
-- Yogi Berra


Friday, November 2, 2001

Your own advice

Would you think differently about your problems if they were not yours, but instead were being experienced by someone else? Consider for a moment the most difficult problem you currently face. Now, imagine that you’re not the person experiencing the problem, that you’re only an observer.

In such a situation, what advice would you give to the person experiencing the problem? Would you advise that person to become depressed? Of course not. Would you advise that person to run and hide from the problem? Certainly not! Would you advise that person to take positive, productive, sustained actions that will deal with the problem? Sure you would.

So, is that what you’re doing? Are you following your own advice? Or have you allowed the problem to take over your thinking?

Your problems do not define you. You can detach yourself from them just as surely as if they were being experienced by someone else. Step back and look objectively at the challenges you face. Don’t allow your problems to cloud your thinking just because you’re the person who happens to be experiencing them. Think clearly, act decisively and keep moving yourself positively forward.

— Ralph Marston

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