virgin islands scene

The same hammer that breaks the glass forges the steel.
-- Russian Proverb


Monday, October 15, 2001

Connect with courage

Courage begins when you realize that you have it. Courage grows stronger the more it is used.

Everyone has fears, and everyone has the capacity for courage. Courage requires no special skill or training. Courage is what happens when you take action in spite of your fears. Courage comes when you are willing to learn from your fears, to make prudent adjustments based on what those fears tell you, and to be pushed forward by those fears rather than held back by them.

Take the first courageous step forward, and the second step will easily follow. By the time you get to the fifth or sixth step, it starts to become automatic as the power of your courage becomes clearly evident.

Courage is a choice which cannot be denied to you by anyone other than yourself. No person or circumstance can prevent you from making use of your courage. It is yours when you choose to tap into its power.

Connect with your courage and discover what an enormous difference it can make in your life and your world.

— Ralph Marston

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