virgin islands scene

I shall tell you a great secret my friend. Do not wait for the last judgement, it takes place every day.
-- Albert Camus


Wednesday, October 3, 2001


Smile. Though troubles may surround you, though challenges may confront you, go ahead and do it. Offer yourself and others the real, transforming power of a smile. If you have nothing to smile about, smile anyway. You’ll surely think of something.

Try feeling sorry for yourself while smiling. You’ll find it can’t be done. See if you can think a negative thought while smiling. You’ll discover that it’s nearly impossible.

Smile when you’re writing an e-mail, and the person receiving your letter will see it in your words. Smile while talking on the phone, and they’ll hear it in your voice. Smile when face to face and you’ll make yourself irresistible.

When the day is bright your smile will make it brighter. When the world is gloomy your smile can make it a far better place. It’s a simple thing, yet it does so much. Go ahead and fill your face with positive energy. Smile.

— Ralph Marston

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