Friday, September 7, 2001
Where does it come from?
When things go wrong, how are you able to know? What is it within you that is able to make that judgment? You look at some things and you say “beautiful.” You look at other things and say “horrible.” Why? Even if you’ve never seen the thing before, and even if you’ve never seen anything that even remotely resembles it, you’re able to quickly decide whether it is beautiful or not. Why do you suppose that is?
You get a certain feeling and you think “pleasure.” Another feeling comes along and you think “pain.” What is it within you that can tell the difference? One experience brings you joy. Another experience brings despair. Again, you’re making a judgment. Have you ever wondered what those judgments are based upon?
If your life had no meaning, how could you possibly experience joy? If your life had no purpose, what could possibly produce despair? The fact is, there is a very real purpose behind it all, a purpose that drives your every thought and action. Your joy will lead you to that purpose, as will your despair, as will every experience and every feeling -- if you take the time to question why.
Seek to understand that driving purpose, through every joy, through every difficulty. Know the why of your life, and you’ll connect to a powerful force that can take you wherever you wish to go.
Ralph Marston

Copyright ©2001 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.