virgin islands scene

Life is God's novel. Let him write it.
-- Isaac Bashevis Singer


Thursday, August 23, 2001

Need to or want to?

When there’s something you need to do, something you know you have to do, you probably resent it and fight against it, and think up excuses for not doing it. It may very well end up not ever getting done. By contrast, when there’s something you want to do, you’ll be busy thinking up all sorts of great reasons why you should do it, and you’ll do whatever is necessary to get it done. That’s a big, big difference.

There’s a fine, but very important, line between the things you need to do and the things you want to do. That line exists in your mind and is controlled by your attitude. And guess who is in control of your attitude? You are!

With a simple change in attitude, all those things you need to do, all those things you have to do, can instantly become things you want to do. When that happens, they’ll get done.

So what do you need to do that you really don’t want to do? Have you been putting it off? Have you been busy thinking up excuses for not taking action? Well, do you want to move your life forward? Then try this simple exercise. Whatever it is you’ve been putting off, whatever it is you’ve been avoiding, tell yourself you want to do it. Instead of saying “I have to” in your mind, say “I want to” out loud. It’s as simple as that.

When you starting thinking of it as something you want to do, it will get done. And what a powerful difference that can make in your life!

— Ralph Marston

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