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If a man hasn't discovered something he would die for, he isn't fit to live.
-- Martin Luther King


Monday, August 20, 2001

Welcome the problems

When a problem comes along, the natural reaction is to fight against it. But that kind of response just throws more negative energy on an already difficult situation.

A more positive response is to welcome the problem. See it for what it is, and welcome it into your life. By doing so, you immediately take control. You give yourself the upper hand. You’re not simply reacting against the problem, you’re taking action to deal with it.

If you fight against a problem, it will get you down. By contrast, when you welcome the problem, you put yourself in a much better position to turn it into an opportunity. You demonstrate that you have the confidence to deal with the problem. You open your eyes to the positive possibilities.

When you’re faced with a problem, rather than fighting and lashing out against it, acknowledge and welcome it. That puts you in control and keeps you moving positively forward.

— Ralph Marston

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