virgin islands scene

The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.
-- William James


Wednesday, August 15, 2001

So very fortunate

You are so very fortunate. Though you certainly have problems, you also have the ability to turn them into opportunities. Though you have regrets, you also have the priceless experience and wisdom which come with them. Though you have limitations, you also have the intelligence and the energy to transcend those limitations and even to make them a positive factor in your life. Though you’ve known sorrow, you will never lose the capacity for joy and happiness.

You are so very fortunate. You have this day in which to act and make a difference. You’re able to decide what you would like to accomplish and then do whatever is necessary to make it a reality. You have life and you have time in which to live it, right now. You are surrounded by a universe full of beauty and possibilities.

You are so very fortunate. Though life is always an effort, in that effort you can find genuine and lasting fulfillment. You are blessed with the rich abundance of being alive. Enjoy your good fortune. Make the most of it, and it will grow even more wonderful.

— Ralph Marston

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