virgin islands scene

The willingness to sacrifice is the prelude to freedom.
-- Pesach Seder


Monday, August 13, 2001

What is right

When you do what is right you cannot go wrong. Be completely honest with yourself, and it becomes very clear what the right thing is at any moment. Rather than devising some complex strategy, rather than borrowing the goals and values of others, consider how perfectly clear and powerfully effective it would be to simply do what is right in every situation.

Doing what is right means living your life as it was meant to be lived, with health, happiness, accomplishment, love and fulfillment. Doing what is right means having complete and total respect for life itself, with all its joy, with all its beauty, with all its possibilities.

It is often a difficult course to follow. Yet when you’re doing what you know is right, it gives you the confidence to transcend the problems of the moment.

Doing what is right is the course that will ultimately leave you with the fewest regrets. Instead of plotting and scheming to go against life, simply decide to go along with life. What better choice could there possibly be? You know what is right. So do it.

— Ralph Marston

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