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The price of inaction is far greater than then cost of a mistake.
-- Meg Whitman


Wednesday, July 25, 2001

Your perfect day

What would your perfect day be like? What people would be around you? Where would you be? What would you be doing? What things would give you a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment? And why?

Stop for a moment and consider how life would be if life was exactly how you would like for it to be. Then realize that you have the power to make it so. You can take actions this very day that will begin to bring that dream into magnificent reality.

The desires you have, you have for a reason. The things you want to do are things you are meant to do. Your most treasured dreams are connected to your highest and best possibilities.

Dare to dream, and dare to follow those dreams. Those dreams may seem completely unreasonable to the other people in your life, but that’s their problem, not yours. Somewhere, somehow you know those things that will fulfill your greatest possibilities. You know of ways in which you can make an enormous positive difference in this world. Challenge yourself to bring them to light. Challenge yourself to bring them into reality.

Be the beautiful, wonderful and effective person you are destined to be. Don’t wait a moment longer. Now is a perfect time to begin.

— Ralph Marston

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