Saturday, July 14, 2001
Act out your confidence
Want to feel really great about yourself? Want to add some powerful energy to your life today? Then do something that demonstrates your confidence in yourself.
Take on a challenging project, knowing full well that you can apply your time, energy, knowledge and effort to it and get it done. Make a commitment to achieve something you’ve always wanted to achieve, and then take the bold first step toward making it a reality.
You can tell yourself and you can tell others that you have confidence in yourself. But the way to really experience the power of that confidence, and the good things it can bring, is to live it with your actions.
Put yourself on the line, because you know you can come through with flying colors. The more confidently you act, the more genuine confidence you’ll have. Give energy and positive focus to your actions by taking them boldly and confidently. Act out your confidence in yourself, watch that confidence grow even stronger, and enjoy all the magnificent things your focused and committed efforts can bring.
Ralph Marston

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