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There is nothing impossible to him who will try.
-- Alexander The Great


Thursday, July 12, 2001

The look of opportunity

What if you were staring straight into the face of a magnificent opportunity and you didn’t even know it? Just what does opportunity look like, anyway?

Many people think opportunity looks like a free ride, a chance to grab on to something, to be powerfully and quickly swept toward fame and fortune with a minimum amount of effort. But that’s not opportunity. That’s fantasy.

In reality, opportunity looks like hard work. It looks like something that will require some patience and persistence. It looks uncomfortable. It looks challenging. It looks risky. It looks a little rough, and doesn’t come with a guarantee.

Would you recognize real opportunity if you saw it? The fact it, it’s all around you. Opportunity is any situation in which you can make a positive difference, and surely you come across plenty of those situations every day. The more of a difference you can make, and the more people who can benefit from it, the bigger the opportunity will be.

Commit to making a positive difference in the lives of those around you, and your own life will be filled with rewarding opportunities.

— Ralph Marston

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