Thursday, June 14, 2001
Beyond yourself
When you look at everything with the attitude of “what’s in it for me?” you severely limit the possibilities for your life. When you narrowly confine your perspective within the boundaries of your own skin, you deny to yourself an entire universe filled with joy, beauty and fulfillment.
There are great opportunities in every direction you look, but you’ll miss seeing them if your focus is only on yourself. Do you sometimes have trouble seeing the big picture? Then work on developing a little more consideration and respect for others. Make the effort to understand perspectives other than your own. By so doing you’ll greatly expand your thinking and the possibilities for your life.
Step out beyond yourself. Don’t fight against life or hide from it. Be a part of it. Give of yourself to the world and you’ll find that the world will be more to your liking.
Self-centeredness ultimately leads to self-defeat, whereas making a positive difference for others will make an enormous positive difference for you. The best choice is clear. Step out beyond yourself and you’ll find a wonderful world full of life and possibilities.
Ralph Marston

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