virgin islands scene

If there is no wind, row.
-- Latin Proverb


Tuesday, June 12, 2001

A better approach

There’s no law that says you have to respond to certain situations in the same way you always have. In fact, one of the best ways to become more effective is to experiment with new and different responses.

There’s no good reason why you have to approach certain tasks the way you’ve always approached them. When you look for a new and different approach, you’ll likely find an even better one.

If you’re going to improve your performance you must be willing to do things differently. For each task you need to do today, think of one thing you could do differently that might improve your performance. It shouldn’t be too difficult to think of just one aspect to change, and that could result in a significant improvement.

Avoid getting stuck in a rut. Give yourself some options. Test some new approaches. There’s always room for improvement, and if you keep at it, those improvements can really add up. Challenge yourself to find new and better responses to the same old situations. Challenge yourself to find new and improved ways to get things done. Your best possibilities are waiting to be fulfilled.

— Ralph Marston

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