Monday, June 4, 2001
Great ideas
You’ve got a lot of great ideas. They come to you every day. Perhaps you’re too busy to notice them. Perhaps you’re so busy being worried or frustrated or stressed out that you fail to appreciate them. Or perhaps you notice the ideas, but fail to take action on them.
That’s too bad. Because the ideas you have can be the seeds of greatness in your life. When you nurture them, put your commitment and effort into working on them, make them stronger by challenging them, and give them room to grow, your ideas can bring incredible value to your life.
Pay attention to your ideas. Write them down before you forget about them. Come back a few days later and look objectively at each one. Add some more supporting ideas. Let your natural creative process take hold.
Then get to work on them. Ideas alone aren’t worth very much, yet when you put some focused, persistent effort into them they can turn into something magnificent.
Ralph Marston

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