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Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
-- Lou Holtz


Tuesday, May 29, 2001

Now is your opportunity

When one door closes on you, look for another one to open. It will always be there. When your path is blocked, you can choose to look at it as a reason to give up, or you can see it as an opportunity to find and explore a new path. Chances are, that new path, the one you choose with the benefit of added experience and wisdom, will lead to an even better place than the path you were originally following.

When something comes along to disrupt your plans, look for the opportunity it provides to do something else, something even better. Just think of all the successful businesses that have been started by people who lost their jobs. Consider all the people who move on past failed relationships into those which last a lifetime.

Is your disappointment trying to stop you or is it there to point you toward another opportunity? That disappointment can provide the spark it takes for you to make your life better.

The sweetest and most enduring victories are those which rise from defeat. Have you been disappointed? Has a door been closed in your face? Now is your opportunity for something even bigger and better. See it, and go for it!

— Ralph Marston

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