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Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it.
-- Sudie Back


Friday, May 25, 2001

Right for you

Is it really all that difficult to let go of your resentment, to calm your anger, to move beyond your disappointment? It’s only as difficult as you think it is. Is it really so difficult to focus your thoughts and to act with discipline? It’s only as difficult as you think it is.

Is it really so difficult to persist, even when the obstacles are powerful and the going is rough? Is it really so difficult to bring yourself to get back up when you’ve been solidly knocked down? It is only as difficult as you think it is.

The attitudes and efforts which lead to success and accomplishment are difficult only when you decide to make them so. Consider what would happen if you were to think of them as natural, desirable and easily within your reach.

Rather than fighting against a positive, productive life by imagining it to be difficult, move into that life by imagining it to be completely right for you. Success is not as difficult as you might imagine. It is yours to achieve as soon as you go ahead and accept that you can, and you will.

— Ralph Marston

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