Tuesday, May 22, 2001
Dream big dreams
If you continue to come across challenges that make you want to give up, then your dream is not big enough, your goal is not compelling enough. Have you ever wondered how many people give up when they’re just one day short of reaching their goal? What a shame that would be, to come all that way, to do all that work, for nothing, just to be stopped by the last obstacle in your path.
The possibilities for your life are far greater than any challenge that may come your way. So if the challenges seem too big, then raise your expectations. Expand your dreams. Go for something you really, truly desire, something that’s going to make a difference in your life, something that will inspire you get past any obstacle standing in your way.
Live for something more than just getting through the day. Dream big dreams. Set ambitious goals. What have you always wanted to be, to have, to experience? Go for it, and let your passion pull you forward.
Ralph Marston

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