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You always succeed in producing a result.
-- Anthony Robbins


Monday, May 7, 2001

Wrapped in comfort

It’s nice and comfortable to lie in bed an extra hour or so on a rainy Saturday morning. Yet if you stay in bed all day, that’s not comfortable at all. Being comfortable is pleasant up to a point. After that point, the comfort is no longer desirable and can in fact become quite unpleasant. Too much comfort can smother your life.

Just as staying in bed all day would make you weary, the satisfaction of any comfort soon fades away. Eventually you ask yourself, “What’s so great about being so wrapped in comfort?” And you have trouble finding an answer.

Comfort is enjoyable. Thankfully that enjoyment doesn’t continue indefinitely. No matter how comfortable you may be, soon you get hungry for life, for challenge, for the opportunity to make a difference. Pay heed to that dissatisfaction. Get out of your nice warm bed while it’s still nice and warm. Move beyond your comfort zone before it smothers you. There’s so much more to life than mere comfort. Experience it all!

— Ralph Marston

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