Monday, April 30, 2001
Use it
If you had a sleek, speedy sports car would you drive it? Of course you would. If you had a big, beautiful, warm and comfortable house would you go inside it to sleep at night or when the weather turned bad? Of course you would.
So many people focus on what they have and what they’re going to get. Yet what you have is only a small portion of the picture. What really matters more than what you have is what you do with it. When you look at life from that perspective you’ll discover enormous value right there in your own life -- value that is waiting for you to put it to positive use.
You are blessed with a powerful, intelligent mind. So use it! You have a body that can move you from place to place, and enable you to take action. So use it! You have challenges which will help you to grow when you face up to them. So use them! You have desires, you have passion, you have knowledge, experience and skills. So make use of them all!
Worrying too much about what you have or don’t have will prevent you from seeing the opportunities for actually making use of it all. Look beyond what you want and dwell on who you want to become. Rather than being limited by what you don’t have, let yourself be empowered by putting to use all the good things you do have.
Ralph Marston

Copyright ©2001 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.