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When people keep telling you that you can't do a thing, you kind of like to try it.
-- Margaret Chase Smith


Saturday, April 21, 2001

Clean out the garbage

Make today garbage day for your life. Round up all your worries, angers, disappointments, jealousies, resentments and regrets. Throw them in your mental garbage can, roll it out to the street, and be done with them once and for all.

The garbage in your mind is doing you absolutely no good. It’s just taking up space and time that could otherwise be used for more positive pursuits. You’re probably spending your energy working around the garbage -- that is, when it’s not tripping you up.

So discard it. Throw away that anger. You’ll never need it again. Toss out that worry. You won’t ever find any use for it. Bag up the resentment. It’s just making a mess of things. Discard your cynicism. It’s taking up valuable space.

Get rid of all that garbage. Freshen up your attitude. Haul away the useless negativity. It’s only slowing you down. Get it out of the way. Use your mental space, your time, your attention and your energy to be positive and productive. Experience how refreshing that can be, and smile as the sanitation department roars away with all that junk you no longer need.

— Ralph Marston

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