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Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do.
-- Rumi


Wednesday, April 18, 2001

Choose your response

We often say things such as “She makes me furious. He makes me nervous. This job stresses me out. That’s driving me crazy.” As true as such statements may seem, they’re not accurate.

When you are angry, or nervous, stressful, fearful, offended or excited, it’s due to a choice you have made. The other person or situation does not make you that way. You have chosen to respond that way.

Most such responses are so familiar they’ve become automatic. Yet they don’t have to be. They depend on your choices, and you control those choices.

The way you respond to every situation is up to you. When making that choice, it pays to consider what will happen as a result of that choice and to ask yourself if it will have a positive impact on your life. You can choose to respond in whatever way you wish. So rather than putting those responses on auto-pilot, select those which will move your life, and the world in which you live, positively forward.

— Ralph Marston

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