virgin islands scene

Discontent is the first necessity of progress.
-- Thomas Alva Edison


Monday, April 16, 2001

Out of the ordinary

Ordinary is anything but. It is ordinary for the sun to rise every morning in the east. Yet consider the monumental and perfectly balanced dynamics which make it so. It is ordinary to speak with a friend on the phone. Yet when you think of the physical complexities, the social, linguistic and technological accomplishments necessary for such a feat, it is indeed amazing.

We may think of a miracle as something out of the ordinary, yet that which is ordinary is itself a most wonderful miracle. From ordinary days come exceptional joy. From ordinary lives come outstanding accomplishments.

In every ordinary moment is possibility, and there’s nothing ordinary about that. The fact that life often seems so ordinary, and that we take so much of it for granted, is a powerful testament to the all-encompassing quality of its wonder.

Enjoy the ordinary moments. Make the most of them. And keep in mind that within them are the most extraordinary things you could possibly experience.

— Ralph Marston

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