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No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it.
-- Andrew Carnegie


Monday, April 2, 2001

Welcome the feelings

When you can accept and even welcome your feelings, they lose their power over you. Do you feel lousy today? Instead of making that something to fight against, let it be. Accept that you feel lousy, and suddenly it’s not so bad. That negative feeling begins to fall away from you when you loosen your grip on it.

Your feelings help you to perceive, understand and interact with the world. They are yours to experience, to learn from and to enjoy. Accept them all. Welcome them all. Fighting against them or resenting them does not make them go away. In fact it gives them more power.

Welcome your feelings. Experience them and then let them flow on along. Each one is a positive confirmation that you’re fully alive. Each one can help you to understand yourself. Let them fill your life. Don’t let them dominate it.

Each day you’ll move forward past a whole lot of different feelings. See them as milestones along the way, not there to slow you down, but to keep you moving positively ahead.

— Ralph Marston

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