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No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking.
-- Voltaire


Wednesday, March 21, 2001

Already a winner

You’re already a winner. Now it is time to claim your good fortune. The moment you were born you won the grandest prize anyone could ever hope to imagine. You got in on the ground floor of the biggest opportunity in the universe.

You’re wonderfully alive. You can sense, you can perceive, you can think, you can act, you can make things happen. You have access to a world full of resources, and you have the time each day to make the most of them. With desire to push you forward, and wisdom to keep you steady, you can be, and do, and experience, and go to, and become whatever you decide.

The grand prize is yours. Now is the day to claim it. Life is yours. Now is a great day to live it. The shortcomings and disappointments you’ve experienced are nothing compared to the possibilities you now can grasp.

A universe filled with opportunity begins precisely where you are right now and spreads out infinitely in all directions. The higher you reach, the higher you’ll go. The more you put into your life, the more magnificent it will become. Live this day as a winner. Claim and make the most of that special, priceless prize that is your life.

— Ralph Marston

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