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In life, as in football, you won't go far unless you know where the goalposts are.
-- Arnold Glasow


Saturday, March 3, 2001

Annoying behavior

There are plenty of alternatives to being annoyed. If someone else is doing something that has the potential to annoy you, you actually have a choice. You can choose to be annoyed, but why would you choose that? Or, you can choose to do something else, something more positive and productive.

The behavior of others is largely their problem, not yours. Yet when you choose to let it annoy you, it does become your problem by stealing your time and attention. Instead, look past them. Put the annoying behavior of others out of your mind and get busy on something positive and worthwhile. You have the choice, so use it!

The energy you spend on being annoyed can be put to much better use in other, more productive pursuits. And it’s not even pleasant to be annoyed, so why let yourself be?

Refuse to give an annoying person power over your time, your thoughts and your energy. Choose to ignore them. You have much better things to do.

— Ralph Marston

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