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Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise.
-- Ted Turner


Thursday, February 15, 2001

Beyond appearances

How much more successful would you be if you could free yourself from the need to appear successful? How much more would you enjoy life, if you concerned yourself with truly enjoying it rather than keeping up appearances? How much more work could you get done, if you didn’t have the need to impress anyone? How much more could you learn if you didn’t spend so much energy proving what you know?

Say what you mean. Do what you desire. Be who you are. Let others worry about what to think of you. It’s their concern, not yours. Be polite, gracious and respectful to be sure, but don’t let yourself be intimidated by what other people may think. Your time and your energy are too precious for that.

Time, money and effort spent in an attempt to impress others will only make you appear more hollow. Rather than trying to look impressive, put your resources into being yourself the best way you know how. Ultimately, that’s what will make a truly great, sincere and lasting impression. Rather than creating an appearance, create true and lasting excellence in your life. That’s a genuine appearance which will outshine all others.

— Ralph Marston

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