Thursday, December 14, 2000
Little choices, big results
If presented with the choice, would you choose to be healthy, wealthy, secure in your relationships, happy and fulfilled, or would you choose a life filled with illness, poverty and despair? That’s an easy decision. Anyone would choose the first alternative without even thinking about it.
In fact, you do have that choice. It isn’t usually presented to you in such a momentous way, and it never comes as a single choice. Rather, the quality and direction of your life depend upon the many, many choices you make, moment after moment, day after day, which build on one another to fashion the reality of your world.
The little choices you make, the ones that seem not to matter much, soon add up to produce big results. They directly affect the life you live. Over the course of every day, you’re presented with an overwhelming number of choices. As you make these choices, keep yourself clearly focused on where you want your life to go. Make the appropriate choices, one by one, day after day, and you will be headed powerfully in the direction of your own choosing.
Ralph Marston

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