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We become what we think about all day long.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Saturday, December 2, 2000

Unconditional living

Does what you’re doing need to play any role in how you feel? What if you could be filled with joy no matter what the situation, no matter what you were doing? Is that really possible?

Of course it is. Your capacity for joy is not dependent on any particular situation, activity or outcome. Certainly there are conditions and results which you desire. Yet they do not make you or break you as a person.

The essential joy of your living existence is unconditional and all encompassing. You can rise above the fray, you can detach yourself from mere circumstances. And when you do there is a blessed freedom which gives power, focus and effectiveness to all you do.

Don’t ignore reality or run away from it. Simply transcend it. You are more than your circumstances. You are more than your problems, more than your possessions, more than your burdens. To the extent that you allow your spirit to rise above your circumstances, you’re able to make the very best of them no matter what they may be.

— Ralph Marston

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