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Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
-- Lou Holtz


Monday, November 27, 2000

Having enough

The more you depend on things outside yourself the more frustrated and miserable you will become. Take responsibility for your own fulfillment, for your own joy, for your own happiness. These things need not be conditional, or dependent on factors outside your control. Stop waiting for permission to be happy. Give yourself permission and start living each moment with joy.

"If only I could find a new job and make more money, then I would be happy.” Do you attempt to console yourself with false assumptions such as this? By all means, make every effort to put yourself in a great job, but don’t fool yourself into thinking that it will bring you fulfillment, or that the lack of it will prevent you from being happy.

You will be fulfilled and happy when you realize that you already have enough. And that depends entirely on you. Accept and live out the abundance that is already yours, and nothing in the world can hold you back.

— Ralph Marston

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