Monday, October 30, 2000
Differing opinions
If you listen only to those with whom you already agree, there’s only so much you can learn. Take the time and effort to consider other points of view. Often you can learn the most from those with whom you disagree, if you respect them enough to listen and truly consider what they have to say.
Be careful not to get trapped by labels. Just because someone disagrees with you about one thing, does not necessarily mean that person will disagree with you about everything.
You can find value in the thinking and opinions of others without compromising your own convictions. Each person with whom you interact has a unique perspective. In that perspective is a golden treasure just waiting to be uncovered.
Anyone who has an opinion can perpetuate a disagreement, but what does that accomplish? Rather than looking for a reason to disagree, look for value in all the differing points of view which you encounter. Only when you’re confident enough to acknowledge that you don’t know it all will you be able to grow in knowledge and wisdom.
Ralph Marston

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