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I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.
-- Frederick Douglass


Saturday, October 21, 2000

The most important priorities

If everything in your entire life were suddenly taken away from you, what would you long for the most? What would you be unable to live without? No one likes to think about losing it all, but it can be a useful way to connect with your most important priorities.

What if you started every day by re-focusing yourself on the things which are truly important to you? How would that affect the way you go about each day? Certainly it would make you more focused, more disciplined, more effective, and more resilient to the slings and arrows of everyday life. Staying in touch with your true priorities provides a powerful and enabling perspective to every aspect of your life.

The more consistently you can maintain that perspective, the more fulfilling will be the results of your thoughts and actions. Every moment you’re burning energy, making things happen. When you can keep all those things happening in accordance with the truly important aspects of your life, that life is indeed good.

Look past the superficial noise and clamor of the world around you. Discover what you truly value. Keep in touch with it on a moment by moment basis, and that which you value will add immense value to your world.

— Ralph Marston

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