virgin islands scene

The future has a way of arriving unannounced.
-- George Will


Thursday, September 28, 2000

Venture out

There are a lot of terrible things that might happen today. They might happen, but they probably won’t. And yet too often the apprehension over those things that might be, unlikely as they are, holds us back from the great things that very well could be. And ironically, what ends up happening is the very worst thing that could possibly happen -- nothing at all.

Though there are risks in every moment, they are far outweighed by the positive possibilities. For every difficulty that might befall you, there are a dozen opportunities waiting to be seized.

Boldly venture out today and every day. Live fully the miraculous life with which you’re blessed. The joys are yours to experience when you have the courage and faith to participate. Take a deep breath. Realize that there’s a whole, wonderful world just waiting for you to relish. Be a part of it. Focus on the great things that could be, and delight in making them happen.

— Ralph Marston

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