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Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.
-- Katherine Whitehorn


Friday, August 25, 2000

Beyond ambition

What do you want? What you do need? What do you crave? Wanting, needing and even craving things can severely limit your enjoyment of them and their value in your life. When you put all your energy into lusting after something, you create a situation in which you can never have enough.

Joy and fulfillment can come only when you do have enough. Having enough depends not on the size of your bank account or the number of people at your party. Having enough happens whenever you choose to let it happen.

Thinking that you can never get enough is tragically self fulfilling. Ambition can take you a long way, and yet if ambition is all you have it will eventually get in your way. Aim high, to be sure, and then accept it when you have arrived there. When you make the effort to go after something, also take the time and effort to enjoy it and to let it fill your life.

— Ralph Marston

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