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If people like you, they'll listen to you, but if they trust you, they'll do business with you.
-- Zig Ziglar


Friday, August 11, 2000

Choice of words

The words you use have very real meanings. That is, of course, what makes them so powerful. That is their purpose. Words are symbols we use to represent things, actions, concepts, relationships and feelings.

Words can exert a significant influence, yet they’re so much a part of life that we hardly notice which ones we use. The choice of words can limit your thinking and the thinking of those around you. Or, the words you use can open your mind and set you free to explore the possibilities.

Each time you hear yourself saying something, whether silently to yourself or out loud to someone else, take note of the specific words you use. Are they positive, uplifting, full or possibility? Or are they negative and confining?

For example, do you ever use the phrase “that’s not too bad” when “that’s very good” would be a much more positive expression? The words you use serve to focus your mind and articulate your attitude. Make it a point to choose and use the best ones available.

— Ralph Marston

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