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You get paid to impact the world, not be impacted by it.
-- Mal Pancoast


Wednesday, July 19, 2000

An objective observer

Imagine that you could step about four feet away from yourself and then observe yourself as you go about tending to the business of your life. If you could watch yourself from this slightly removed perspective, what new things would you see?

What advice would you be itching to give yourself? What opportunities would you be able to point out to yourself? What mistakes could you talk yourself out of making?

Most of us can be very sensible when it comes to observing and giving advice to others. Yet when it comes to watching and advising ourselves, the view is often distorted because we’re so intimately involved.

In your mind, step back. Look at yourself as you would look at another person. Discover the things that are obvious to everyone else, and give yourself some good, objective guidance.

— Ralph Marston

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