Monday, July 17, 2000
Get through it
Is something troubling you? Is something frustrating you? The more you think about it, the worse it becomes. The more you worry about it, the bigger it grows. The more you complain about it, the more power you give to it.
The best approach is to do something positive about it, beginning right now and continuing for as long as it takes to get through the problem. The moment you start to take action, the whole situation changes. Taking action shifts you from being a victim to being a champion of your own fate.
Stop fretting, worrying and complaining. Those things will do no good. Start working your way through. Lift up your head far enough to envision yourself arriving at the other side of the problem. Use that vision to find and execute a realistic plan of action.
Whatever difficulties you currently face can be overcome. Others have been through much worse and have come out as victors. You can, too. Put your energy where it will make a difference. You’ll get through, and you’ll be all that much better for the experience.
Beset by a difficult problem? Now is your chance to shine. Pick yourself up, get to work and get triumphantly through it.
Ralph Marston

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