virgin islands scene

Is it ignorance or apathy? Hey, I don't know and I don't care.
-- Jimmy Buffett


Monday, July 10, 2000

Focused thinking

A  single drop of water is so light and fragile that it can be blown around by the slightest breeze. When that small drop falls upon even the most delicate object, it yields to that object and rolls off of it. Yet if that small drop of water is combined with enough other small drops into a powerful flood, it is virtually unstoppable. Even the strongest of structures can fall victim to raging floodwaters.So too are your thoughts. Dispersed, random thoughts have little effect. They can be twisted and contorted by the slightest disruption. Yet when the majority of your thoughts are focused over a period of time upon a single objective, their force becomes unstoppable.There is power in numbers. Nowhere is this more true than with your own thoughts. Put enough of them together in succession, directed toward the same result, and that result will surely come about. For compelling thoughts lead to effective actions and effective actions will bring about desired results.You possess a truly amazing power -- the power of thought. Focus that thought and it can be a mighty force for positive change.

— Ralph Marston

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